Custom Big Finish Dalek Figures – Part 2

Welcome to my showcase of custom Daleks created in homage to various Doctor Who audios created by Big Finish. The release of the B&M Big Finish Doctor and Dalek two-packs have set the precedent that the depiction of a Big Finish Dalek does not necessarily have to be in-keeping with pre-established lore, or indeed go on any indication of what the Dalek might look like, or lack thereof. We know that the previously nondescript Dalek Interrogator Prime is blue and silver thanks to these figures, and we also know that the Dalek Scientist is silver, not blue as depicted on the cover of the audio in which it appears. As such, it appears that the floodgates are open and anything goes as far as Big Finish Dalek custom designs are concerned.

Although I have taken some creative licence with these customs, I have tried to remain in-keeping with the design philosophy of the Daleks in both the Classic Series and the New Series, and some changes have been made to designs to make them more realistic to depict as customs. Nonetheless, presented here is nothing less than the definitive source of Dalek designs for Big Finish audios.

Custom Elaborate Weapons Dalek

Big Finish Audio – The Four Doctors

Although named as such by me, not by the audio in question, this custom represents a particular Special Weapons Dalek – although I have assigned this to The Four Doctors for now, this is how I picture any Special Operations Special Weapons Daleks in the future. I created this custom using a standard Special Weapons Dalek painted with black Citadel paint. The detailing was done with a bright red and muted silver Citadel paint, the latter of which was applied using dry-brushing.

Custom Brotherhood Dalek

Big Finish Audio – Brotherhood of the Daleks

Featuring prominently on the cover art of Brotherhood of the Daleks is this Red Dalek, as this audio depicts the creation of pseudo-subfaction of Daleks which take on a more communist approach compared to the Daleks’ most fascist alignment. As such, this Dalek sports bright shining red, in-keeping with the design seen on the cover. As such, this Dalek closely resembles the incorrectly-coloured Dalek on the cover of the novelisation of The Daleks’ Master Plan, although that Dalek has no red on the midsection.

Custom Dalek Prime

Big Finish Audio – The Four Doctors

Although what differentiates a Dalek Prime from a Dalek Supreme is never truly addressed, it was clear to me that I would have to make this Dalek stand out from Dalek Supremes in order to justify its unique rank. As such, I used a similar design to the Special Weapons Dalek from the same story and went with a sinister black and red approach. I used Citadel paint for this custom and specific Citadel brushes due to the precise nature of the paint applications.

Custom Time War Dalek Scientist

Big Finish Audio – A Thing of Guile, part 2 of The War Doctor: Infernal Devices

This is a somewhat controversial choice as the recent release of the previously mentioned Big Finish B&M Dalek figure packs have confirmed that the Dalek Scientist seen on the cover of A Thing of Guile is silver and bronze, not blue and bronze, and the artwork of the cover means that the Dalek appears blue due to reflections on the rendering model. However, I wanted to know what this colour scheme would look like on a figure, so here it is. I also added the Vault Guard Dalek claw as a bonus attachment.

Custom Dalek Time Strategist

Big Finish Audio – The Shadow Vortex, part 1 of The War Doctor: Agents of Chaos

This Dalek Supreme custom was created to resemble the Dalek Time Strategist on the front cover of several of the War Doctor audios starring John Hurt and Jacqueline Pearce. I say ‘resemble’, as that Dalek appears to possess an intricate Time Controller (aka a plasma ball) in its midsection, that I deemed far too adventurous an idea for a custom. One day I might return to this figure and attempt to add the feature, but not yet. The paint applications were done in layers – first I spray-painted the figure silver, I then painted on the purple details with Citadel paint and coloured in the hemispheres with permanent marker. Although not 100% ‘cover-accurate’, I am still incredibly pleased with how striking this figure looks.

Author: Dalek Rabe

I am a huge fan of Doctor Who, Halo, Star Trek and Star Wars and I enjoy watching classic Doctor Who episodes, customising Dalek figures, replaying games like Knights of the Old Republic and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy from the early 2000s on the original Xbox.

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